Multiplication Checker
Check Multiplication calculations using this page. Click on the digits to change the question and answer. Click Check to see if you are correct, made a minor error or need to look more closely. Click here
Sharing Ideas for Learning With Technology
Check Multiplication calculations using this page. Click on the digits to change the question and answer. Click Check to see if you are correct, made a minor error or need to look more closely. Click here
Check a division problem including remainders. Click on the digits to change the problem and answer. When you think they are correct, check your answer. It will tell you whether you are correct, one digit is wrong or there are more errors. Click Here
Check a subtraction calculation using this handy checker. It will tell you whether you are correct, have made a minor error and are incorrect. Click Here
Check a column addition calculation and get feedback on whether you are right or wrong, and if you are just one digit out! Click Here
Test yourself on your knowledge of division facts and their remainders. Information Drag the four division questions onto their correct answer. When all four are complete, more will appear. Bonus time for correct answers. Time penalties for incorrect answers.How many can you do given 60 seconds? Click Here
Discover how binary numbers are made using this interactive board. Click on the white number cards to show either 0 or 1. This automatically reveals the dot cards as well as changing the calculation and total value at the bottom. Very clear visual representation of how binary numbers are constructed. Click Here
Built to replace a plethora of other flash based 100 square activities, this 100 square is made to last. The reduced view allows for working with numbers up to 30 or 50 making it accessible to children in Year 1 whereas the multiplies and number rules features allow it to extend right to the top
Explore equations and inequalities with this number balance math manipulative. Free Play allows the user to add multiple tags and explore addition and multiplication. Showing the equation introduces the idea of brackets even though they are not actually needed. Game Play gives children six levels of difficulty and asks children to add just one more